Why Your Office Needs To Have A QR Code-Based Check-In

Why Your Office Needs To Have A QR Code-Based Check-In

Coordinating office visits are part of a normal workday. But if they’re mismanaged, your employee and work security will be at risk.

So, to make things safer and easier, offices employ a QR code-based check-in to manage the ebb and flow of visitors.

This efficient touchless visitor management will not only protect your employees and workplace, but it can also collect vital visitor data that will upscale office management.

Let’s find out how.

What is a QR Code?

A QR (quick response) code is a machine-readable code consisting of black and white squares. They’re used to store URLs and other information which can be accessed by smartphones, tablets, or third-party QR code scanning programs.

You can find QR codes anywhere, from menus to billboards to social media posts.

What is a QR Code Typically Used For?

A QR code is typically used to deliver information or trigger an activity on a mobile device. They’re used for various purposes across several sectors, including mobile payments, marketing, airline check-ins, etc.

Recent statistics reported a 94% surge in the number of global QR code interactions from 2018 to 2020

Customers, workers, and clients may point their smartphone or tablet camera at the code, and their device will read and interpret the 406 bytes of data.

You might think of a QR code as a bridge between the physical world and the virtual one that we access through our mobile devices.

The Potential of Quick Response Codes for Attendee Registration

Now that we’ve covered the basics of QR codes, you can appreciate their vast potential for visitor management.

Some of you may be familiar with the time-honoured but antiquated practice of manual visitor check-ins. The ordeal required recording each visitor's details by hand before filing them away or entering them into a database.

This visitor tracking and administration method works pretty well, but it’s incredibly inefficient. Check-ins and check-outs typically take only a minute or two (and sometimes longer), but they might lead to significant delays during high-volume visits if you don’t have several secretaries on deck.

Using QR codes is a practical approach that speeds up the check-in and check-out procedure for businesses even when there is no personnel present at the facility. It’s a 21st-century answer.

There will no longer be a requirement for a designated check-in staff. HR and facilities management will still have complete and accurate visibility into who’s in the building and why.

Benefits of Using a QR Code-Based Check-In

Using QR codes provides several benefits, including but not limited to the following:

  • Knowledge of who is inside a building or other enclosed areas.
  • Registers arrival and exit times.
  • Helps plan and manage the number of guests expected for an event.
  • Helps you categorize different visitors like delivery people, office workers, school children, and tourists.
  • Refuses entry to potentially dangerous solicitors.
  • The wealth of data collected by this system may be used to
  • Improve the employee work experience
  • Track visitor arrival patterns
  • Better prepare for anticipated surges in visitor traffic by redistributing workers at the optimal times.

Checking someone in, managing their personal details and check-in time, and recording their purpose of visit all take less than a second using any device equipped with a QR code reader.

Below, we’ll go into more detail about how this method may be combined with robust visitor management software systems to provide comprehensive dashboards and information suites.

The Advantages of Using QR Codes for Login

When combined with flexible visitor management solutions, placing QR codes at popular visitor areas and workplaces can have several advantages.

Generally speaking, guests may sign in quickly and easily with a smartphone QR scanner and a visitor QR code explicitly designed for check-in purposes.

By scanning the QR code with a smartphone, all processes may be finalized in a single step.

The following are some additional benefits:

  • Quicker check-in times mean less agonizing waits.
  • You’ll provide a more streamlined service for all users.
  • Customers and visitors are enticed to visit a business whose entry formalities are smooth.
  • Incorporating QR scanner checkpoints into your business is an excellent idea if you’re an HR or site manager interested in learning more about the people who enter and exit your location or work site.

Your office and employee security are vital to your business. So, picking the best visitor management system should be a priority.
Head over to Vizmo’s website or book a discovery call to explore QR code-based check-in and other enterprise visitor management system and security technologies that’ll enhance and secure your workplace experience!