Why You Need A Touchless Visitor Management System To Enhance Security In Your Workplace

Why You Need A Touchless Visitor Management System To Enhance Security In Your Workplace
Touchless Visitor Management System

The outbreak of the pandemic disrupted daily routines and prompted profound changes in the way people live and run their companies. While touchscreens have become commonplace in our everyday lives, touchless technology reached new heights long before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Touchless visitor management systems have recently been gaining popularity as a way to keep your workplace premise safe — not to mention technologically forward.

This article will explain what touch technology is and how a touchless enterprise visitor management system can enhance security in the workplace.

Let’s begin.

What is Touchless Technology?

Touchless technology is any technology that allows users to interact with a system with little to no physical input. Examples of touchless technology include voice commands, QR code scanning, etc.

It’s a safer, more advanced, and often-preferred form of technology because it involves almost zero manual entries.

What Is a Touchless Visitor Management System?

In its most basic form, a touchless visitor management system (VMS) is a computer code that’s used for logging and keeping track of the identities and activities of people who enter a building or business site. These can be guests, customers, prospects, etc.

It relies mostly on digital experiences powered by AI and is, therefore, a more trustworthy method of keeping and organizing visitor data.

Businesses had been utilizing VMS for a long time before the pandemic hit. But visitors had to manually input their data for authentication — either on paper or on a screen.

However, in light of a more “COVID-aware” situation, many companies implement touchless visitor check-in solutions to guarantee security and prevent any possible threats, such as thievery, the spread of disease, or in some cases, espionage.

A Hands-Free Visitor Tracking Solution

Companies rely on visitors, who may be anybody from vendors to prospective customers. Therefore, the responsibility of visitor management shouldn’t be neglected in a business setting.

Because of the high volume of visitors every day, it’s impossible just to rely on printing passes. Such antiquated methods could potentially lead to undesired breaches, and organizations that employ this method put their security at risk.

Businesses require a reliable touchless visitor management system to quickly monitor visitors and avoid solicitors.

Methods of Hands-Free Visitor Tracking

Guests and visitors may be checked in securely to a workplace using a touchless visitor management system that employs cutting-edge technology. While there are slight variations on how VMS functions, here are some of the common protocols.

Automatic Registration Using a QR Code

Guests may quickly and conveniently check in and check out using their smartphones with the help of QR code technology.

QR codes also reduce unwanted physical contact, like touching items (such as pens, paper, and screens) other people have handled.

And more often than not, there’s no need for a receptionist.

Enhancing a Visitor’s Experience

You want visitors to feel welcome — especially ones who are a vital part of your company’s operations.

A touchless visitor management system reduces the likelihood of visitors waiting in long queues, filling out paperwork, and wasting precious time.

With a seamless check-in and checkout system, visitors will feel more welcome and thereby have a positive and professional impression of your company.

Security Protocols

For safety reasons, it’s imperative that special security software be used to scan and check all guests before admittance is granted.

​​Touchless management has the additional benefit of letting security personnel know of visitors in advance, adding an additional layer of safety to your office premises.

The security, equipped with knowledge of visitors, can then allow only those people whose visits are approved by employees.

The system also alerts security staff of unwanted visitors through a blocklist, which guarantees an undisturbed work environment.

Visitor Timings

Visitors who overstay their welcome tend to make employees feel uncomfortable, apart from being a potential threat to workplace security.

A touchless visitor management offers a hassle-free solution that allows security and employees to track visitors within the office premises.

Once a visitor has overstayed their welcome in the facility, security will be notified, allowing them to handle the situation promptly.

Follow-Up On Actions Taken

Upon checkout, a record of the customer’s actions is created and kept. Organizations may use this information to maintain tabs on returning customers and learn more specifics about the people who frequent their establishments.


A seamless exit is just as important as a smooth check-in.

With a touchless visitor management system, clients can exit the office premise without the hassle of filling out exit paperwork. They can check out of the premises with their smartphones while the system updates their visitor log and status in real-time.

The Advantages of a Touchless Visitor Management System

Here are some of the key advantages of incorporating a touchless enterprise visitor management system and security.

1. A Safer Office Environment

A touchless visitor management system guarantees safety from unwelcomed solicitors since the program permanently stores all guest information and lets in only trusted people.

It also eliminates the need for physically handling equipment, reducing the risk of contracting illness through contact.

Adding a touchless visitor control system to your business is not only a technological leap forward, but it also ensures the safety of your employees at all hours of the day.

2. Enhanced Sign-Up Process

An enhanced sign-up process ensures your visitors experience a smooth entrance, visit, and exit.

By adopting cutting-edge touchless technology, you communicate to clients that they matter. This makes a positive impression on your company, which could potentially propel your business.

3. Faster Management

The last thing you want is a disruption to distract you from important work.

Employing a touchless visitor management system ensures guests, delivery people, and clients can easily enter and exit your office premise without having to rely on employees hand holding them.

You shouldn’t sacrifice employee and workplace security. A safe workplace is happy and productive, which means more profits. That’s why we highly recommend going for the best visitor management system in India.
Book a discovery call with our experts at Vizmo to understand the VMS needs of your enterprise.