What Are the Benefits of Pre-Registering Visitors Using a Visitor Management System?

benefits of pre-registering

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, companies are finding innovative ways to streamline their operations. Using a visitor management system (VMS) to reap the benefits of pre-registering visitors is one of them.

By pre-registering visitors, companies can simplify workplace management, save time and money, and improve security.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of pre-registering visitors using a visitor registration system. We’ll also touch on how to select the best visitor management system for your company.

Before we dive into that, let’s get some basics out of the way.

How Does a Visitor Management System Help With Workplace Management?

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your security staff’s workload or get automatic alerts if someone on the watch list arrives, then a visitor management system may be the perfect solution for you.

A VMS’s pre-registration feature allows visitors to register their name and contact information in advance, saving them time when they arrive at your workplace.

A QR code-based check-in allows visitors to enter their information using an app on their smartphone. This eliminates the need to print out a registration form.

And finally, automatic alerts notify security personnel if someone on the watch list arrives at your workplace. This can help ensure that unwanted visitors aren’t allowed entry.

In addition to these features, many visitor management systems offer touchless entry. This is especially useful for companies to avoid the risk of infectious diseases.

So if you’re looking for a way to streamline your work process or manage your employees more effectively, then a visitor management system may just be what you’re looking for.

What Is a QR Code-Based Check-In System?

This system allows pre-screened visitors to scan a QR code before a meeting. This alerts the relevant employee of their guest’s arrival, making entry as smooth and quick as possible.

This data from the QR code scan can then be used to manage visitor flow. Not only do QR code-based check-in systems save time, but they also improve security by allowing you to identify who is on your property at all times.

How Does a QR Code-Based Check-In System Work?

With Vizmo VMS, for example, after visitors pre-register for a visit, the host approves them in the system. On the day of their visit, guests need only scan a QR code to check in, and the host and other relevant employees are notified of the visitor’s presence.

There are two types of visitors:

  1. Invited Visitors: These visitors are sent an email or SMS with pre-registration details a couple of days in advance before their visit. After they’ve filled out and sent in their details, hosts can confirm the visit. On the day of visitation, invited visitors simply scan the QR code at the office lobby, and they’re allowed entry.
  2. Walk-in visitors: In this scenario, when visitors scan the company QR code, the host can decide to either accept or reject their entry. If accepted, they’re sent an email or SMS with pre-registration details before they’re allowed entry.

Why Is Pre-Registering Visitors Important?

It’s important to pre-register visitors before they arrive at your workplace. By doing this, you can save time and optimize the security and efficiency of your workplace.

  • Pre-registering your visitors can save time at check-in as they don’t need to wait in line or fill out paperwork.
  • It allows you to track which employees are inviting guests and speed up the check-in process for both your employees and your visitors.
  • This facility is particularly important for companies with high-security needs or large workspaces.

What Does Pre-Registering Guests Involve?

Here is what pre-registering guests involves:

Send Invite

Before the meeting, you can send your guest a link containing an invite via email or text message. The invitation would contain all the meeting information and check-in protocols.

After guests provide all the necessary check-in information, they receive a digital badge with their visit’s particulars. A walk-in visitor requires host approval to get the badge, whereas an invited visitor is sent a link via SMS or email.

Sign In

The link provides the pre-approved digital badge to be used at check-in. This badge contains a QR code and the other particulars of the visit. When the visitor scans the QR code at the Vizmo kiosk, the pass is activated, and the host is notified.

What Are the Benefits of Pre-Registering for Visitors?

The benefits of pre-registering for visitors are as follows:

  • No Uncertainties: When visitors receive an invite, they get all the information they need for a successful visit. Pre-registration allows visitors to fill in their details in advance at their convenience. Using their own device means they can use the autofill feature.
  • No Queues or Crowded Lobbies: With pre-registration, visitors don’t have to deal with the hassle of waiting in queues or crowded lobbies. Their host receives a notification as soon as they check in using the QR code. This ensures little to no waiting. And since they’ve already pre-registered and signed the necessary forms, they needn’t waste time filling out anything else.
  • Touchless Entry: The risk of COVID and other infections is still a factor. So, using a contactless entry facilitated by pre-registration helps follow health protocols.
  • Uninterrupted Workflow: When your visitor is given a smooth and hassle-free entry, it’s more likely to set their minds at ease. This will very likely translate to a smooth transition into their meeting with your organization.

What Are the Benefits of Pre-Registering for Companies?

Next, let us look at the benefits of pre-registering visitors for organizations.

  • Convenience of Guest Invites: Sending an invitation to your guests allows you to collect important information from them. It ensures that all pre-registration documents (like health declarations and NDAs) are read and signed well before the visit. It also saves organizations from the hassle of collecting information on the day of their guests’ visit.
  • Managing Guests: As the visitors may belong to different categories, such as job seekers, contractors, food vendors, frequent visitors, government inspectors, and even family members, pre-registration helps take away the complexities of arranging different types of visitors.
  • Well-Managed Reception Desk: Your reception area no longer needs to look chaotic because pre-registration empowers the reception and security staff by letting them know guest details, plan schedules, and help manage VIP visits.
  • Auditing Compliance: By scanning QR codes and access passes, arrivals and departures are timestamped, which automates recordkeeping. This quick and convenient collection of information can make your next audit a breeze.
  • Health Declarations and NDAs: Health declarations ensure that your guests are healthy and free of any infections before walking into your facility, thereby protecting your employees. NDAs ensure that guests keep vital information confidential.

How To Select the Best Visitor Management System for Your Company?

When selecting the best visitor management system for your company, it’s important to consider several features and factors regarding your company and the software.

For example, Vizmo VMS offers the following features:

  • Pre-registration capability
  • Mobile check-in
  • Kiosk check-in
  • Contact information tracking
  • Visitor tracking capabilities
  • QR code expiry
  • Workplace capacity management
  • Touchless visitor entry
  • COVID screening
  • Health declaration approvers
  • Invites approvers
  • A non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • General data protection regulation (GDPR) compliance
  • White-labeling
  • Scalability/modularity
  • No hardware dependency

The company-related factors include:

  • Nature of your business
  • Size of your company
  • Types of visitors that typically visit your site
  • Budget constraints

After evaluating each feature, you can then decide which system offers the most value for your business.

Why Should You Opt for a Visitor Management System That Offers the Benefits of Pre-Registering?

Pre-registering visitors using a visitor management system can help you save time and money and improve security.

If you are considering implementing a visitor management system in your business, Vizmo VMS is a great choice, as we are one of the best visitor management systems in India. We offer the best-featured VMS at competitive prices.Visit our website to learn more about how Vizmo VMS helps you stay compliant with laws and follow covid-related health protocols to keep your employees safe.