How does a Visitor Management System help enhance workplace security?

How does a Visitor Management System help enhance workplace security?
How a Visitor Management System Helps Enhance Workplace Security?

In the post-pandemic era, as employees are getting back to the office, workplace security has become critical to maintain. Workplace Security comprises digital security as well as physical security. Digital security refers to protecting critical data and information and shielding them from cyber attacks and IT failures. Physical security refers to protecting the workplace premises, your employees, and visitors. Both types of workplace security are crucial for the continuity and growth of an organization.

With that being said, it is important to understand what actions can we take to implement security measures in place that ensure effective and efficient workplace security. With technological advancements and many innovative tools coming into the picture, it is not as difficult to maintain the safety of your office premises as it sounds. This blog will focus on one such tool - the Visitor Management System which will help you reach your security goals with ease. We will explore how this tool can enhance workplace security in detail.

What is Visitor Management System

A visitor management system is a software solution designed to manage and automate the process of registering, tracking, and monitoring visitors to a facility or organization. The system typically involves the use of specialized software and hardware, such as a kiosk or tablet, to capture visitor information and issue visitor badges.
The primary goal of a visitor management system is to enhance security by improving the control and visibility of visitors entering and exiting a facility. The system can help to identify and screen visitors, enforce security policies, and prevent unauthorized access. Let’s understand some of the top features that a good visitor management system should have and how it helps in making the office premises safe and secure.

Important Features of a Visitor Management System

Live Photo Capturing

Live photo capturing helps enhance workplace security in several ways. Its primary purpose is to verify the visitor’s identity. Capturing live photos of the visitors during their check-in ensures that the person is indeed the person they claim to be and prevents them from providing any false information about themselves. Thus, it helps in avoiding identity theft or impersonation. Live photo capturing also contributes to improved record-keeping which means that organizations can accurately store visitor’s data in the visitor management system and refer back to them in case of any investigation or audit.

Customizable ID Card

Capturing an ID Card is yet another essential feature for verifying the identity of visitors. With an advanced visitor management system, you can even allow visitors to upload the ID card which is required by your company. This will give you the required and accurate information about the visitor. And not to forget, with the information being saved with you in the database, you can always go back and cross-verify the information as per your requirement. An ID card also plays a crucial role in avoiding identity theft. With live photo capturing and asking visitors to upload ID cards, visitor’s accountability is increased and they feel more responsible to give accurate information at the time of their check-in.

Customizable Agreement

The customizable agreement is another great feature that allows for improved security in the workplace. You can easily set different agreements for different visitor types, for example, a candidate coming for an interview may need to sign a different agreement than a vendor, while a VIP might not need to sign any agreement at all.

A visitor management system with customizable agreements is particularly useful, as it allows organizations to create tailored agreements that address specific security concerns. For example, an organization may require visitors to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before entering the premises. This feature helps organizations ensure that visitors comply with specific security policies and procedures, enhancing the overall security of the workplace.

Host Notification and Approval

When managing visitors, we can categorize them into two groups: (i) Invited Visitors and (ii) Walk-in visitors. Invited visitors are those who are sent invitations to visit the office and are pre-registered in the visitor management system. As these visitors are pre-registered, it is easy to validate their details.

Walk-in visitors, on the other hand, are those who arrive at the premises without a prior invitation. With the help of a visitor management system, they are given the option to select their host, the person they wish to meet. At this stage, it becomes crucial for hosts to receive notifications about the visitors and be empowered to accept or reject their entry into the premises. A robust visitor management system makes this possible. This feature not only informs employees about who has arrived to see them but also gives them the power to choose whether or not they want to meet the visitor.

Overstay Alert

Another beneficial feature for visitor management is the overstay alert, which can notify the host and other relevant personnel about any visitor who overstays their visit. Quality visitor management software enables users to choose whether or not to receive overstay alerts and set the time after which the visitor is considered to have overstayed.

This feature can prevent security breaches and minimize the potential for theft, vandalism, or other security incidents. Overstay visitor alert capturing can also help security personnel respond more quickly to potential security incidents. By receiving alerts when a visitor overstays their authorized visit time, security personnel can investigate the situation and take appropriate action.

The features mentioned above provide a solid foundation to consider when selecting effective visitor management software for your organization. If you are searching for an efficient and effective system that enhances workplace security and improves the overall workplace experience, we recommend checking out Vizmo’s Visitors. Along with the features mentioned, the software provides many other beneficial features.

To learn more about Vizmo’s Visitors, visit and book a demo with us today!