5 Ways a Visitor Management System Benefits Your Organization

5 Ways a Visitor Management System Benefits Your Organization
visitor management system

Every day a whole host of people come through your office doors for a number of different reasons. Especially in large organizations, people come in for different purposes like business meetings, as potential clients, for HR interviews, vendors or contractors, auditors or unexpected drop-ins, etc.

Though it may not seem like an issue for your company from the outset, when you look at it from a wider perspective, a swarm of visitors collected at the reception or just strolling through your office premises is chaotic, to say the least. Not to mention the difficulty of tracking all the visitors and knowing their whereabouts in your office space.

Now, how do you overcome this situation? Of course, you can’t control the number of visitors coming in.

But an efficient visitor management system in place, you can prevent a number of issues presented by frequent visitors and keep your office and employees focused on their daily tasks.

Let’s take a look at 5 ways to do just that:

1. Address Every Visitor Promptly

Visitors should not feel alienated. This is an obvious failure of the organization to accomplish this simple yet important feat. Every visitor needs to feel welcomed, and have someone who receives them and directs them to the next steps of their journey.

A clear example of a company failing to implement the number one step of a robust workplace management system is not having a clear "next step" for the said visitor such as where to go, whom to speak to, or if they simply need to wait.

The importance of a visitor management system cannot be emphasized enough. It helps in addressing every visitor coming to your organization, avoids any unpleasant experience at the reception and gives a good impression of your organization.

2. Identify Visitor Type

Is it the executive from that company you’re desperate to partner with or is it a bright, new candidate here for an HR meeting for one of the job openings?

You can have hundreds of people coming through your doors on any given day. And the purpose of the visit is arguably the first piece of information you want, with which you can create a great visitor experience. You don’t want someone uninvited just waltzing through unchecked.

Create specific visitor journeys for the most frequent types of visitors you have, such as business clients, interview candidates, delivery services, and employee family members. This will allow you to create a seamless experience for visitors without wasting their time, and more importantly, not creating any disturbances for your own employees.

With a visitor management system, you do not have to worry about collecting visitor IDs as the system will do it for you. All you need to do is, make them feel comfortable and the VMS will help you identify your visitor and direct them to where they need to go.

3. Sign-In Process

This step will help you immensely when it comes to accountability. Having a sign-in process as part of your visitor management system instantly allows you to quantify the number of visitors you welcome in a day, week, or month.

Besides, a sign-in process will ensure security – a major priority for corporations around the world. We all want to know who is present on our premises at any given moment. A sign-in process is simply a security best practice that every company should follow. It ensures that every visitor is checked and approved by your internal security team.

This step can be simplified with a VMS in place that collects valuable data from the visitors as part of the sign-in process.

4. Notify Host/Recipient

Once you have all the information regarding the purpose of a visit and have the visitor signed in, the next step is to notify the appropriate personnel at your workplace regarding the visitor. Assisting the visitor with who they want to meet is an important step in any visitor management process.

If you have a reception area with enough dedicated staff, they can physically reach the person in question. But it’s not the most reliable strategy. Aside from being time-consuming, the host may not be in their usual space either.

A digital option at hand is a phone call but it can turn out to be disruptive as well. Instant messaging services may end up being unreliable.

A digital visitor management system software, however, has the option of employing each of the above tactics in one go, making it arguably the most efficient and reliable option.

5. Checking Out

You may be wondering “checking out? Am I running a hotel here that I need a check-out service?”

We hear you. It’s not a common practice for offices to incorporate checking out as part of their visitor management services. But there’s one compelling reason that may lead you to be convinced otherwise – security.

As mentioned above, we all want to know exactly who is on our premises at any given time. These security issues can range all the way from a delivery executive lurking around your premises to someone looking to steal valuable company information. Having a simplified check-out process can allow you to confirm that all your visitors promptly head back once their task is completed.

This can be achieved with a combination of a dedicated receptionist and a digital visitor management system software. The former can inform the latter to validate a certain parameter on the kiosk to confirm their exit with something as simple as a digital signature.

And there it is. 5 reasons why your visitor management strategy is a crucial part of keeping the chaos at your office at bay. You need to make guests feel welcome and provide prompt and accurate guidelines to ensure the smooth transit of every visitor within your organization. And of course, there’s the security aspect aswell.
Are you looking to incorporate an efficient and effective visitor management system at your workplace? Reach out to us on our website, or quickly book a Discovery Call and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy.