Importance of Security in Workplace

Importance of Security in Workplace

In a world of uncertainties, workplace security in today’s scenario has emerged as a necessity for businesses. Gartner states that by 2025, 60% of businesses will make partnership decisions with other companies primarily determinant on how secure those companies are against threats. This highlights the importance of security in the workplace as a crucial factor in deciding whether other businesses would consider making partnerships with you.

Workplace security is a strategic way of creating a shield of protection that safeguards you against potential threats, be it physical or virtual. The complexities of Workplace security can be challenging to understand, let alone implement. Through this blog, let’s explore the importance of security in the workplace and why it is essential for protecting your employees, assets, and data.

What Is Workplace Security?

Workplace security entails implementing various protocols to protect employees, assets and critical company information from various physical or digital threats. The intricacies of workplace security can involve protecting yourself from cyber attacks like hacking, APT’s, data breaches to physical threats such as unauthorized access, theft and vandalism.

Physical security is mostly related to controlling others' physical access into your company with visitor badges, video surveillance cameras, or a robust visitor management system. It also involves maintaining emergency and safe evacuation protocols against threats like fire or attacks.

Digital security on the other hand is more inclined towards protecting your systems, networks, and data from cyber threats such as cyber phishing, malware attacks, ransomware, viruses and more. Cybersecurity Ventures asserts that the cost of cyber crime around the world by 2025, is expected to skyrocket to $10.5 trillion. This means that cyber crimes, like theft of intellectual property, damage and destruction of data cause more and more financial damage to businesses each year.

Importance of Workplace Security

In today’s digital age with the growing reliance on technology for work efficiency, threats and cyber crimes tend to follow. If unauthorized individuals gain physical access into your company it can lead to major issues such as data breaches, property theft, acts of vandalism, and harm to employees. If you’re thinking that your small business is less likely to attract these kinds of threats, it’s important to reconsider. 131 Cyber Security trends and data, 2024, says 60% of small businesses that were unable to protect themselves from cyber attack go out of business.

A company’s valuable asset is not only its data but also its employees. Ensuring workplace security and employee safety comes off as a company's responsibility that reflects its core values. Situations such as data breaches through physical access into your company or unauthorized digital access can result in leakage of employee details such as their bank account information putting them in the spotlight of cyber criminals. Being prepared with a well rounded security strategy protects your business from both physical and virtual concealed threats. Most importantly it implies how much importance you give to yourself and your employees.

The workplace security directly impacts a business’s well being and financial stability. In 2020, Verizon's report revealed that 70% of data breaches were caused by external parties, with incidents rising from 2,013 in 2019 to 3,950 in 2020—an increase of nearly 95%. On the other hand the FY24: IBM report suggests that the global average cost of a data breach increased 10% over the previous year, reaching $4.88 million in 2024. Hence in this cyber insecure world the need to have a robust workplace security strategy has never been more important.

Types of Workplace Security Measures

1. Access Control Systems

As a company you should be wary of people that enter your workspace. Unauthorized physical access can lead to property theft or damage, leakage or theft of sensitive information, and potential harm to employees. The different types of access control systems can help you identify unauthorized entries and prevent them. In doing so you can safeguard your workplace by limiting and controlling unidentified entries.

Access control systems can be enforced in various ways such as visitor badges, biometric scanners, QR codes and more. Access control setups not only let you be in control of the people that have the access to enter your premises but also keeps a record that you can always go back to.

2. Surveillance and Monitoring Systems

Surveillance cameras might seem over the top, but it's never too much to be well-prepared. Surveillance cameras are one of the most prominent factors that deters criminal activities. Imagine a stranger entering your company and easily getting access to your devices that contain your sensitive data. Stealing your data could never have been easier.

Technologies such as video surveillance systems give you real-time recordings of people entering your organization which also help you overlook employee safety. It is one of the best systems that helps you monitor and later provide evidence in case of incidents. With CCTV cameras and systems like alarms, both you and your employees can be at ease knowing that the workplace is constantly being monitored.

3. Secure Communication Protocols

Protecting your sensitive data and information, going into the hands of external parties is another security protocol that a company should put as high priority. To ensure that your data and conversations can not be accessed by third parties, make sure to communicate on encrypted platforms. Encrypted email services and digital messaging platforms help safeguard confidential data reducing the risk of data breaches.

A strong encryption process is especially important when it comes to protecting sensitive data like financial accounts, customer information, and confidential business information going into the wrong hands.

4. Visitor Management System

A robust visitor management system is a solution to your workplace security concerns as it is the one thing that is both visible and present to defend your business at your entrance itself. Modern-improvised visitor management systems replace traditional pen and paper visitor monitoring. It is an automated software that welcomes your visitors and at the same time keeps a visitor log with all the necessary visitor’s information.

A VMS not only improvises your visitors' experience but helps you keep your security intact by denying unauthorized access to your organization. With features like blacklist management, visitor badges, digital check-ins and customizable visitor policies it works in the favor of strengthening your workplace security.

Benefits of Implementing Workplace Security

Today, workplace security goes beyond protecting yourself from threats and preventing theft. Implementing workplace security measures extend beyond mere protection, it ensures employee’s trust and productivity towards you. Having a well implemented workplace security checklist that is hard to shackle, sets you as a standard in the business dynamic. It gives a safe environment for employees, partners and others to join you in achieving your goals.

1. Enhanced Employee Safety and Confidence

One of the primary factors that an employee considers before joining your organization is your company’s reputation. A good track record of workplace security measures and policies makes an employee feel secure towards you. According to a study, workplace security has proven to be an effective factor in increasing productivity among employees. When an employee feels secure in the environment that you present to them they foster confidence and positivity. By implementing security measures such as access control systems, surveillance cameras, alarm systems or a VMS, you as an organization can create a safer and less stressful environment for your employees.

2. Compliance with Regulations and Standards

Compliance with regulations and standards is another significant benefit of implementing workplace security measures. Companies adhering to the industry regulations and workplace compliance are more likely to build to trust with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Following regulatory requirements such as implementing security measures help companies with legal and financial consequences. The Ponemon Reports show that not following regulations costs businesses an average of $14.82 million. In contrast, following the regulatory compliance costs much less, about $5.47 million. This means it's cheaper for companies to comply with regulations than to deal with the consequences of not complying.

3. Reduced Risk of Data Breaches and Theft

Data security in today’s digital age is of utmost importance. Companies that implement secure data storage practices, such as encrypting sensitive data and using firewalls, can safeguard their confidential information and prevent unauthorized access. Sitelock's 2021 analysis of 7 million websites found that an average site experiences 94 attacks daily, with the number constantly rising. Having workplace security measures implemented can strategically prevent data breaches and theft, and at the same time also shaft away factors undermining both reputation and financial security of the company.

4. Improved Overall Organizational Performance

Organizations that actively practice security measures are able to exhibit their seriousness towards their business and employees. As mentioned above, the Gartner study indicates that companies proactive in implementing security measures tend to attract more partnerships. When you have a safe environment employees, clients and stakeholders all together feel motivated and safe to work with you.

Best Practices for Workplace Security

Having explored the numerous benefits of well-implemented security measures, it's clear that maintaining a secure workplace is crucial for protecting both people and assets. However, to truly harness the benefits of workplace security it's essential to adopt specific practices that ensure your security protocols are not only effective but also continuously evolving to meet new challenges.

1. Effective Office Security Practices

Visitor Management System

Effective office security involves practices that ensure a safe workplace, making employees and everyone inside the company feel secure. Having a visitor management system is one of the ideal ways you can ensure your workplace safety. A VMS welcomes your visitors in a modern sophisticated way keeping you in control of permitting access and keeping records.

Access Control System

An access control integration will allow you to recognize unauthorized entries and prevent actions such as vandalism and threats. The access control system identifies and prevents unauthorized or unidentified entries into your workplaces assets and resources.

Surveillance Cameras

Video surveillance systems serve as a critical component of workplace security, providing an essential layer of protection by monitoring and recording activities throughout the organization. These systems are designed to deter potential criminal activities, such as theft or vandalism, and to ensure the safety of employees and assets.

Emergency and Evacuation Plans

In addition to other security measures, having a well-crafted emergency and evacuation plan is crucial for preparing in advance for unexpected crises. Such plans are designed to ensure the safety of everyone in the workplace, providing clear guidelines on how to respond effectively during emergencies, whether they involve fire, natural disasters, or security threats.

2. Workplace Cyber Security Practices

Cyber crimes are one of the most committed crimes in this digitized society. Unlike physical crimes, cyber criminals are difficult to track down as they carry out their activities anonymously from behind a computer screen. A university of Maryland study suggests that with over 2,328 cyber attacks daily, totaling around 800,000 annually, there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.

Implementing Secure Passwords

Securing your organization against cyber criminals starts with implementing strong passwords. Make sure to keep your passwords unique and complex, weak or reused passwords can easily be exploited by hackers.

Updating Software Regularly

Another critical step is to update software regularly, because outdated programs are often vulnerable to cyber crime. Keeping all software, including operating systems and applications, up-to-date ensures these security gaps are closed.

Securing Wi-Fi and Network Credentials

Securing your Wi-Fi and network credentials is equally important. An unsecured network can provide an easy entry point for cybercriminals. It is important to use strong, encrypted passwords and to change them regularly in order to keep your network safe from unauthorized access.

Employee Training on Cyber Security

Finally, employee training on cyber security is essential.  Regular training helps employees recognize threats like phishing and understand best practices for data protection. Cyber security awareness helps you reduce the risk of attacks and strengthen your organization's overall security posture.

How to Enhance Workplace Security with Technology?

In the era of cutting edge technologies we have revolutionized ways to approach safety and security. Technological advancements are significantly offering advanced solutions to enhance workplace security.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With AI coming along we have smarter security systems capable of detecting threats with greater accuracy. AI-powered surveillance systems, like advanced CCTV cameras, can not only detect suspicious activities with greater accuracy but also analyze patterns to predict potential threats before they occur.

Additionally, these systems can automatically alert security personnel in real-time, enabling faster responses and reducing the likelihood of human error. By continuously learning and adapting to new threats, AI enhances the overall effectiveness of workplace security.

2. Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning technologies on the other side can detect abnormal activities based on algorithms and previous data. For instance, ML is quite effective in detecting anomalous network activity that may indicate a cyberattack, helping to prevent data breaches. Through the use of algorithms and historical data, ML can identify deviations from normal behavior that might signal a potential threat, such as unauthorized access or suspicious network activity.

3. Cloud-Based Solutions

Cloud computing has emerged as a secure and centralized data management platform. According to a Cloud Security Alliance report, 98% of organizations globally utilize cloud services. With storing your sensitive company information on cloud services you can be protected from blunders and security threats.

4. Internet Of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things is how devices connect over the internet, so they can communicate and interact seamlessly. IoT devices in workplace security, such as CCTV cameras, motion sensors, and access control systems, provide real-time monitoring and alerts. With advanced sensors and smart devices we are now able to detect unusual activities with ease and respond immediately by triggering alarms, carrying out emergency evacuation, and automatically locking doors in response to suspicious behaviors. IoT has simply changed how we analyze real time data and use it to our advantage, providing cohesive security.

Vizmo understands the significance of workplace security. We believe that a good security solution should be hardware agnostic allowing seamless integration with various devices and systems to ensure cohesive security. This flexibility ensures that you can implement a tailored security strategy that meets your specific needs without being limited by compatibility issues.

Final Thoughts

It is high time you give your business and employees the safety they deserve. Having workplace security is not just about protecting your assets anymore, it should possess a safe and sound work environment. By implementing security measures and systems like a robust VMS you can prepare your workplace security in a way that fosters a secure and safe workspace for your business, clients and most importantly for your employees.

Take the initiative to invest in the right security measures to build a stable and more resilient future for your business and employees. Invest in your business's safety with Vizmo. Our cutting-edge visitor management services and many workplace efficiency products provide comprehensive security and integration. See What Vizmo Can Do For You.