How To Set up Hot Desk Booking for a Hybrid Workplace

How To Set up Hot Desk Booking for a Hybrid Workplace

In recent years, many companies have moved towards a hybrid workplacemodel — something many organizations made possible through hot desk booking.

A hot desk booking system is an efficient way to manage and streamline employee productivity within a hybrid workplace, which is why many companies utilize it. However, the newness of this software can potentially make it challenging for your organization to adopt it and for employees to use it.

So, to make your switch to a hybrid work model easier, we’re going to cover how you can easily set up hot desk booking in your workplace and where to find the best hot desking solution for your organization.

Let’s get started.

How You Set up Hot Desk Booking at Your Organization

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best way to set up hot desk bookingwill vary depending on the specific needs and goals of your organization.

All things being equal, here’s what you must bear in mind before you get started.

1. Define What You Need

It’s important to take a step back and assess what your organization's needs are. Here are some preliminary questions that will help with your analysis:

  1. What level of flexibility are you looking to establish?
  2. Do you have the visibility of the number of employees who would use hot desks?
  3. Would your employees need hot desks daily or weekly?
  4. Would you like a manual approach or machine the engine of hot desk booking with an automated solution?
  5. Can you afford the automated system and requisite equipment to administer hot desking?

Answering these questions should give you a head start on what exactly you want to achieve from implementing a hot desk booking system.

2. Adopt Technology

A hot desk booking system will maximize efficiency by empowering employees to book readily-available hot desks on the go. You can invest in an automated solution if your budget allows it or use a shared Google Calendar to monitor and track the hot desk bookings. Embedding the system with messaging apps can be crucial in communication.

An automated solution, whether on the cloud or in-house, gives a clear sight of the available desks, and employees can reserve the one they want with a few clicks. What better way to hone the ability to book a place than in your pockets? The automated solution for hot desk booking is perfectly capable of being responsive on mobile phones.

3. Choose the Right Location

From a practical perspective, you want to make sure the hot desks are located in an area that's easily accessible for all employees. From a psychological perspective, you want to choose a location that promotes creativity and collaboration.

4. Invest in Comfortable Furniture

One of the keys to maintaining a hot desk workspace is ensuring that employees are comfortable while they're using them. That means investing in high-quality, comfortable furniture that can be easily adjusted to meet each individual's needs.

5. Soft-Release the Change

Setting up clear policies and procedures that go in line with your hot desk booking system is integral to enhancing a smooth hybrid workflow.

Start out by shortlisting a handful of employees who require the use of the hot desking system. Follow up with them weekly to collect feedback so as to rework any policies and set in new procedures.

6. Give Clean A Chance

Maintenance is a commitment you must make for hot desks. Daily cleaning, a supply of sanitizers, antibacterial wipes, and trash cans invites employees to enjoy their time on the spotless hot desks and encourages them to leave it spick and span.

Why Your Organization Needs Hot Desk Booking

With hot desk booking, you have one less thing to worry about: unnecessary costs to manage your office space. You are entitled to reduce operational costs.

Besides the sense of flexibility for employees, one of the glaring benefits of hot desk booking is that it is an avenue for collaboration. Employees can choose to be near their or other teams based on their tasks on a given day, allowing a smooth flow of information, effective communication, and high performance.

All that said, we invite you to check out Vizmo’s workplace management software for an efficient and easy-to-use hot desk booking system. Visit our website, and book a demo today.