How To Decide If Your Workplace Needs A Visitor Management System?

Visitor management solution

In the hustle of today’s corporate world, many organizations require an efficient visitor management solution to organize the ebb and flow of visitors.

If you manage a physical workplace, chances are you’ve considered an enterprise visitor management solution. Perhaps you’ve even implemented one. If you haven’t, understand that a visitor tracking system can help maintain a healthy work culture by providing an organized system for managing visitors.

So, if you’re a company of over 1000+ staff who’s on edge about whether you need an enterprise visitor management solution, here are five signs you might need one.

1. You Receive a Large Number of Visitors at Your Workplace

Does your business employ a large workforce with a great many customers, clients, and vendors walking in and out all the time daily?

If the reply is a ‘Yes’, it’s definitely worth investing in a visitor management system. It will help you keep track of who’s coming in and going out while ensuring only authorised visitors are allowed access to your facility.

Managing visitors the conventional way, either with visitor registers or spreadsheets, is a burdensome task. That’s why it may be worth investing in a visitor management solution to help keep track of how many people enter and leave your business premises.

Visitor tracking systemscan help you improve the site and data security by ensuring that visitors are registered, tracked, and reported on.

Here are some of the benefits of implementing a visitor management system:

●      By automating and streamlining the process of signing in visitors, a visitor management system can save your business time and money while keeping your premises secure.

●      Tracking visitor activity and reporting on it regularly can identify areas of improvement and make necessary changes to ensure a smooth workflow for your employees.

2. Your Employees’ Productivity Isn’t Optimal

It’s no secret that happy employees are more productive. Many factors contribute to employee happiness, but employee welfare is one of the most important ones. Employee welfare includes such things as compensation and benefits, job satisfaction, and workplace safety.

Let us consider a typical everyday workplace scenario.

Pending work and missed deadlines can bring employees under a lot of pressure. Being interrupted by people coming into the office all day long can prevent employees from staying focused on their work.

As per a study by the American Institute of Stress (AIS), workplace stress leads to an increase of almost 50% in voluntary turnover.

The answer is to create a better work environment to help them be more productive. Contrary to popular perception, making even small improvements in employee welfare can have a big impact on productivity.

So, where does the visitor management system come into the picture?

With a good enterprise visitor management solution in place, your employees will:

●      Spend less time worrying about letting visitors in and out of the office.

●      Enjoy an uninterrupted workflow without worrying about visitor entry and exit.

●      Feel safe because the VMS ensures that only approved people are on their premises.

3. Your Employees Fear Contracting Diseases

Logbooks and manual sign-ins could be unhygienic, given the number of people touching the same object (the pen and logbook).

A touchless visitor management solution is one of the best ways for your company to take safety standards up a notch. The only thing visitors have to physically handle is their phones.

Here’s how a touchless visitor management solutionensures safety from communicable diseases:

●      The touchless check-in allows users to avoid touching a kiosk and instead use their smartphones.

●      With its health declaration feature, you can assess visitors’ health status by getting them to answer relevant questions.

● Assess employee health status by sending a periodical health declaration in their invite.

●      Using an ‘invite-only’ check-in feature, the host can decide whether to continue with an invitation.

4. You Deal With Sensitive Data or Technology

As organizations are increasingly collecting and storing sensitive data, they must take extra care to protect sensitive information. If you work in an industry that requires strict security measures, such as healthcare or finance, then a visitor management solution can help you comply with regulations.

Visitor management is as much about security as it is about preventive measures. By monitoring and controlling access to sensitive areas, you can make sure that there is no unauthorised access to important data or technology.

A VMS saves visitor data in the cloud and uses it to customise the check-in flow. It allows for taking visitors’ photos, extracting reports, and accepting or rejecting visitor check-ins.

It restricts access to visitor data by verifying their ID proof and collecting signatures during the sign-in process. The system also provides a customisable NDA (non-disclosure agreement) copy for visitors to sign, ensuring legal compliance.

5. Your Organization Wants To Improve Customer Service

Today’s corporate climate demands businesses to make a good first impression. Having an effective VMS can help organizations achieve this.

According to HubSpot, the leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM), 33% of customersare most frustrated when they have to wait and repeat themselves to multiple support agents. Fortunately, an efficient visitor management system can help.

A visitor management system is beneficial for both improving customer service and building brand value because:

●      Automating the visitor registration process can improve customer experience and security.

●      Streamlining the process of checking in visitors and keeping track of their movements ensures that everyone receives the best possible experience while they’re on your premises.

● Tracking visitors helps organizations gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences. In turn, this information can be used to improve customer service and support marketing efforts.

●      Giving visitors a hassle-free experience when entering and exiting your premises not only reflects well on your brand but also helps ensure that they will continue to do business with you in the future.

What Are the Benefits of a Visitor Management System?

Some of the main benefits of a visitor management solution are as follows:

● Keep track of visitors coming in and out of your premises.

● Keep your workplace compliant with data protection laws.

● Minimise the risk of communicable diseases with a touchless system.

● Eliminate manual data entry by automating check-ins and check-outs.

● Avoid queues by offering visitors a self-service check-in and check-out process.

How To Choose the Best Touchless Visitor Management System For Your Organization?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a visitor management solution. Your needs will vary depending on your organization’s size, type of business, and other factors. Here are some key considerations:

Technology: You’ll need to decide which technology platform you use for your VMS. Choose the platform that best suits your needs and budget.

Features: You’ll want a visitor management system that offers robust features for managing visitor data. Some features you may want include pre-registration and reporting tools.

Scalability: The VMS you choose should be scalable enough to handle your growing organization’s needs. Consider how much data the system can store and how easily it can be updated or expanded.

Installation & Management: Pay attention to the installation and management costs and time requirements for setting up and using your VMS. Also, be sure to evaluate the system’s scalability and features.

How Can I Learn More About an Industry-Leading Visitor Management Solution?

A visitor management system is a valuable addition to your workplace infrastructure. As we saw, it can help your organization to address security and health concerns and improve efficiency and productivity.

The Vizmo Touchless Visitor Management System is a contactless visitor management solution you can install without the need to purchase additional hardware.

You can get their PREMIUM plan for as low as USD79/month for 500 employees per location.

Features include:

●      Visitor Analytics

●      Vizmo Pass

●      Visitor Photos

●      Integrations

●      Visitor SMS Notifications

●      QR Code Check-In

The Enterprise Plan comes with even more features, such as On-Site Support.

Visit the Vizmo website to explore the full list of features of their enterprise visitor management solution.