10 Important Features Of Visitor Management System

10 Important Features Of Visitor Management System

In today’s data-centric world, systems and software are there to simplify tasks and streamline workflows, making operations easier. Tools like visitor management systems(VMS) are designed to work smartly, replacing pen and paper, making tasks easier rather than being an additional obstacle in your day. With the innumerable features of the visitor management system such as digital check-ins, visitor badges, ID verification, automated logs and more, it ensures secure and efficient visitor monitoring.  

The Visitor management system is an automated solution that replaces tedious  traditional manual practices. Markets and markets predicts that the global visitor management system market is expected to grow to USD 3.0 billion by 2028, at a 13.7% CAGR. If you prioritize work efficiency, time management, and most importantly your visitor experiences, upgrading to a smart VMS is the right move for your company.

Let's go through the different features of VMS and the other aspects that explains why you should consider a modern VMS for your business.

The Importance Of VMS In Modern Workplaces

Modern offices require modern management solutions. Technology is increasingly emerging as an important tool for streamlining operations and improvising work efficiency. In the ever evolving business dynamic, offices integrate modern technologies not only to work efficiently but also to ensure security and sustainable growth. With the increasing complexities in business functioning, the methods that a business acquires creates a direct impact not only on its workplace productivity but also on the overall brand reputation.

While key operations occur at office desks, the true start of a business's day begins at the visitors desk, setting the tone for the day. A traditional front desk would ask you to go through various repetitive and monotonous activities before allowing you entry inside the premises of an office. These activities usually involve pen and paper logs and a receptionist trying to keep up and manage the influx of visitors. The step-by-step manual verification process is compromised and fails to ensure efficiency in the check-in process, further leading to operational inefficiencies. Data mishaps and security breaches because of the unorganized structure of the traditional methods makes it unreliable and hence jeopardizes the safety of organizations and offices.

In 2020, the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report indicated that 70% of data breaches were executed by external parties-outside the organization. There was a significant rise in data breaches, with the number increasing from 2,013 in 2019 to 3,950, representing an almost 95% growth. Hence in this cyber insecure world where data theft is so high we need more synchronized processes and interconnected systems to provide safety and at the same time a wholesome and holistic visitor experience.

Overtime, the need and demand for VMS is developing as a robust solution to cater to the evolving requirements of modern office management trends. The visitor management system global market report,2024, reported that the VMS market is likely to flourish. The Business Research Company predicts that the visitor management system market is expected to expand to $3.47 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.7%.

Features Of Visitor Management System

Let's go through the features of the visitor management system to better understand how it becomes an indispensable tool for organizations and offices looking to transition and streamline their visitor management processes.

1. E- Check-Ins

The visitor management system lets visitors check in digitally while entering the organization. Upon arrival the visitors can take advantage of scanning a dynamic QR code either via a Kiosk, through mobile app or tablet. The electronic check-in canvas speeds up the process by replacing the conventional paper-pen scenarios.

2. Automated kiosk check- in

Kiosks are touchscreen digital devices installed at the entrance or reception area of an office, hotel, airport, or other facilities. These digital kiosks allow visitors to independently check-in or register their arrival before arriving at the office. This automated process eases the burden on the reception staff and makes the workflow much more time efficient.

3. Visitor Badges

The VMS issues on the spot identification badges. These badges can be customized differently for employees, additional staff and visitors. The badges contain necessary information about the visitors and employees, this helps with their identification, offering a sense of security and even keeping the attendance in check.

Engage, developed by Vizmo, is an attendance management solution that keeps an employee directory and helps in hassle-free data management on a daily basis. There are two types of visitors, walk-in visitors and invited visitors, the visitor badges depending on the situation can generate badges both on the spot and beforehand. Additionally the kiosk updates the visitors log with both check in and check out time stamps making it reliable in terms of security, workflow and data management.

4. Real Time Notifications

When a visitor checks in, the system is designed to automatically notify the hosts or the employees they intend to meet. A major highlight of this is that the notification can be delivered via multiple channels such as SMS, mobile app notifications, or even desktop alerts, ensuring they reach the recipient instantly. The host is capable of both rejecting or accepting to meet the visitor which helps ensure employee safety and respects their decision.

5. Customizable Visitor Policies

Different organizations may have different needs when it comes to visitor management. To meet certain security or operational requirements the organization can customize or tailor the forms or visitor experiences according to the office visitor policy they follow. This feature gives businesses the privilege to present a tailored visitor experience according to their business policies.

6. Access Control Integration

The visitor management is a smart automated tool that is capable of integrating with the access control systems of your office. The system can successfully coordinate with security systems such as the surveillance camera, alarm systems, emergency response systems, and more. The integration serves well at times of security breaches by alerting and safeguarding the employees, sensitive company data and visitors alike.

7. Reporting And Analytics

The VMS is capable of creating reports based on the number of visitors that entered your premises. Organizations can have insights into visitor check-ins, employee attendance patterns, and visitor demographics. These visitor analytics help visit old data and optimize visitor management strategies.

8. Visitor Logs

Unlike traditional visitor management which essentially maintains a visitor record in a register or a record book, the modern visitor management system is digital and automated. It strategically replaces the pen and paper and lightens the load on the receptionist. The visitor log allows you to maintain the data of visitors that have visited your company, it includes details such as purpose and duration of visits.

The digitized visitor logs help prevent old visitor’s data from getting lost in the pile of papers and at the same time save costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Organizations have the ability to access past visitors records that helps in maintaining security audits and compliance. The visitor log instantly updates its data whenever there is any check-in or check-out activity.

9. Blacklist Management

To ensure the safety of employees and prevention of potential data breaches through the visitor management system, businesses can leverage creating a customizable blacklist. The blacklist flags and restricts the entry of certain individuals who pose a security threat to the organization. This helps in mitigating risks and potential threats on employees, company assets and ensures safety of sensitive data altogether.

10. Enhanced Emergency And Evacuation Management

The VMS is synced with access control, security systems and is capable of carrying out emergency and evacuation protocols. The VMS collects data and performs real time monitoring through its integration with video surveillance systems. The VMS reads the environment and at times of possible threats is capable of communicating with security systems to generate alerts. The automated system acts quickly and sends real time alerts to employees as well as visitors to evacuate the premises at times of crisis. The system even provides a real-time list of all individuals still present within the premises aiding in their safe evacuation.

How To Choose A Visitor Management System?

Digital integration has emerged, not just as a race for companies to compete with emerging trends but is evidently changing how businesses perform. Digitalization stands as a major priority for many businesses- Gartner survey. 87% of high-level executives regard investing in digitalization as a significant approach, and 79% of corporate strategists assert that it fundamentally changed their business operations. The investment in a modern visitor management system in today's scenario plays out to be an important digital integration for companies to work more strategically rather than intensely.  With that being said when selecting the most suitable VMS solution for your needs, consider these key factors:

Can it integrate with your existing infrastructure?

Before selecting a VMS it is essential to evaluate whether it would be compatible with your existing hardware and softwares for a seamless integration with your infrastructure. tools that are disintegrated or disconnected do not let you communicate and coordinate effectively within the company and there are possibilities of error. The extensible capabilities of VMS with other systems such as video surveillance, computers, alarms and access control just makes it more lenient towards providing end to end security and effective workflow.

Can it adapt with your growing business?

The scalability is another factor that should be looked upon before considering the different types of visitor management systems that are out there. In large coworking spaces and companies with multiple locations it is essential that the VMS is scalable, and can expand with the growing business. Moreover, the VMS should be able to keep up with the increasing volume of visitors and not be vulnerable to errors. Additionally the VMS must be a user friendly interface that can easily be adoptable by employees and staff alike ensuring a smooth transition.

What is the provider’s track record for reliability?

To find the best VMS fit for your organization, compare different VMS options out there based on its features, integrating capabilities and its focus on security. Opt for requesting demos or trial periods to test the systems within your office workspace. Before going ahead with the choice of your VMS consider taking a peep into case studies that back up the promises made by the providers. A good VMS provider is from an enterprise that does not leave you hanging after the installation and stays till the end with you. From design and implementation to continuous maintenance and end to end support is what you should be looking for.

How A Visitor Management System Enhances Security?

The visitor management system is a significant aspect for companies that prioritize their front desk security. Companies are often exposed to threats, unauthorized entries, losing sensitive data and breaches when they overlook areas of access control and security compliances. According to a recent study by markets and markets the access control market is expected to grow from USD 10.4 billion in 2024 to around USD 15.2 billion by the year 2029, growing at a CAGR of 7.8 percent. The access control capabilities of a VMS in denying unauthorized access, identification of threats, blacklisting and issuing badges aids to the security of the organization.

To err is human, while a human eye can not scan errors but an automated VMS is effective in real time monitoring and verifying identities. An advanced AI fused VMS system can effectively monitor real time threats being integrated with surveillance cameras and notify the authorities on time. The VMS system can simultaneously generate evacuation protocols, send out on the spot alerts, ring the alarm systems and even extend its generosity by creating a list of attendees that still haven't evacuated the area.

Overall the impact of a VMS on safeguarding the premises and protecting sensitive areas is substantial. The combination of various advanced technologies, such as real time monitoring,  video surveillance, access control, and alarm systems, provides a comprehensive and centralized platform for managing and securing different areas of an organization.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, the Visitor Management system presents a vast range of features that add up to stage it as an impeccable tool for organizations. Implementing an automated VMS is no longer just a trend for companies but a profound solution that has emerged as a product of digitalization. A smart VMS would streamline your front desk operations, safeguard your premises by implementing access control and security control integration.

The digitally integrated VMS simply offers a quick and seamless procedure that saves time and is prone not to commit errors. A VMS seamlessly blends into your infrastructure and is a more lenient solution for visitors, employees and business owners altogether. The seamless integration of a Visitor Management System (VMS) with access control and security systems, along with its customizable features, makes it an essential addition for your frontline operations.

If your organization values workplace security, a satisfied visitor experience, and in effectively streamlining forefront operations then you should consider checking out Vizmo visitors.